
If you have a desire to increase your Biblical knowledge and be more thoroughly equipped for life and ministry, then Freedom Bible College is for you! Many people have a desire to study God’s Word and go much deeper than a Sunday sermon or even a small group Bible study. But most people do not have the time or the money to enroll in a traditional university or seminary.

The Word & The Spirit
• At Freedom Bible College, we emphasize God’s Word and the power of the Holy Spirit
• Thus, information is given, but ultimately an impartation is received

Designed for the Working Professional
• Courses are designed for the working professional, in five-week sessions (on Tuesday evenings from 7-9 pm)
• There is also a two week break in between each course, which makes the program palatable and doable
• Choose what interests you, or commit to the entire program to receive an Associate degree of Theology

Designed for people who have careers and families
• The Christmas and Summer breaks are planned on purpose to encourage family commitments

• The curriculum is relatable to the entire body of Christ

Associate Degree of Theology (36 credit hours)
• 15 required courses (2 credits each)
• 6 elective seminars (1 credit each)

• Cost is kept to a minimum because the lead teacher is a full-time pastor (tuition is not needed to pay salaries)
• Each 2 credit course is $50 (that’s not a typo!)
• Each 1 credit seminar is $35 and includes a continental breakfast
• Thus, you can obtain an Associate degree in Theology for $1,000

Degree Authorization
• Freedom Bible College is authorized by the state of Florida to issue degrees under the Commission for Independent Education (Section 1005.06 (1)(f), Florida Statutes pursuant to religious institutions)
• We offer an Associate degree in Theology

Florida Dept of Education Logo

• Accreditation can be beneficial, especially when transferring credits from one institution to another
• However, because of the expenses involved with accreditation agencies and the fact that we are trying to keep our tuition costs to a minimum, we have chosen not to pursue other forms of accreditation

Statement of Faith
• We believe the Bible is inspired by God
• We believe God is Triune: Father, Son and Holy Spirit
• We believe God created the heavens and the earth; he is all powerful, all present and all knowing
• We believe Jesus Christ is God’s Son and fully equal with God the Father; he lived a sinless life, performed miracles, died on the cross for our sins and came back to life – thus proving who he was
• We believe the Holy Spirit is God’s Spirit; he lives in every person who has received Jesus Christ as their personal Savior; he convicts, guides, teaches and empowers believers
• We believe God created all people in his image; he has a special plan for every person
• We believe our human condition separates us from God and leads us to destruction; salvation from this condition can only happen if we put our faith in Jesus Christ as our personal Savior; this is not something we can achieve ourselves, it is by the grace of God

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